The Young and the Restless

Young And the Restless Spoilers: Mariah takes Faith away from Genoa – Sharon angry at being betrayed

The Young and the Restless spoilers reveal that Mariah Copeland, always fiercely protective of her family, grows increasingly concerned for her younger sister Faith’s safety as their mother, Sharon, spirals deeper into madness. Sharon’s deteriorating mental state has become a threat not only to herself but to those around her. Mariah recognizes the danger, but no one else seems willing to confront it.

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Faith, who is caught in the crossfire of Sharon’s instability, can no longer stay in the same house. Mariah, knowing things could get worse, hatches a desperate plan: she must take Faith away from Genoa City until Sharon regains her sanity.

It’s a heartbreaking decision, but one Mariah believes she has no other choice but to make. Sharon, clouded by delusions and paranoia, is no longer the loving mother she once was, and the risk to Faith is too great.

Though initially reluctant, Faith realizes the severity of the situation due to Mariah’s insistence.

The idea of running away from her own mother is terrifying, but the alternative—staying and enduring Sharon’s erratic behavior—is even worse.

Faith agrees to leave, but they decide to only inform Nick, their father. It’s the only way they can ensure their safety.

As Mariah and Faith prepare to leave Genoa City, things unravel faster than Mariah anticipated. Sharon, whose mental state has worsened, quickly realizes her daughters are gone.

Their departure sends her into a violent rage. In her mind, Sharon can’t comprehend why her family would abandon her at a time when she needs them most. She sees herself as the victim, unable to acknowledge her own dangerous actions.

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Sharon’s feelings of betrayal quickly morph into anger, and her delusions target others, including Lucy, Daniel, and Heather. Sharon, in her twisted reality, believes they are part of a conspiracy against her.

Her paranoia convinces her that they had a role in turning her family against her and that they must be dealt with.

Meanwhile, on the run with Faith, Mariah is weighed down with guilt for leaving their mother in such a fragile state. But she knows staying would have been even more dangerous.

Sharon is no longer capable of rational thought, and her violent outbursts are becoming more frequent. Mariah must prioritize Faith’s safety, even if it means turning her back on their mother, for now.

Mariah reaches out to Nick, explaining the full extent of Sharon’s erratic behavior and the growing threat she poses. Nick, ever the protector, agrees to shoulder the responsibility of getting Sharon the help she desperately needs.

He assures Mariah that he will do whatever it takes to make sure Sharon receives proper medical treatment, but until then, Faith must remain hidden. Genoa City is no longer safe for her while Sharon is out of control.

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“You’ll be safe, Faith,” Mariah reassures her trembling sister. “You need to stay away from Genoa for a while, but don’t worry—I’m here, and Dad’s here. We’ll make sure nothing happens to Mom.

She’ll get better, and when she does, you can come home. But until then, it’s too dangerous.”

Faith, though still scared, trusts Mariah. She knows her sister will do everything to protect her, but the weight of their actions—running from their own mother—is overwhelming.

Faith loves Sharon, but this version of her mother, twisted by whatever darkness has taken hold of her mind, is unrecognizable. All Faith can do now is hope that Mariah and Nick will fix the situation before it gets any worse.

Back in Genoa City, Sharon’s grip on reality continues to crumble. Paranoia consumes her mind, and she begins seeing enemies everywhere.

Convinced that those closest to her, including Lucy, Daniel, and Heather, have turned against her, she believes they were involved in the disappearance of Faith and Mariah. Sharon’s fractured mind refuses to see the simple truth, focusing only on a desire for revenge against those she believes have wronged her.

Meanwhile, Mariah and Nick remain committed to ensuring that Sharon receives the medical care she so desperately needs. It’s the only way to save her and to protect themselves from the danger Sharon has become.

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