The Young and the Restless

Y&R Spoilers Shock: Claire discovers Kyle pretended to love her to keep his position as Glissade CEO

The Young and the Restless spoilers reveal that Claire had always sensed something was off about Kyle, but only recently has she come to fully grasp the depths of his character—or rather, his lack of one.

The man she once saw as driven and charismatic has now revealed himself as a power-hungry opportunist, desperate to prove himself in a world where he’s still just a boy pretending to be a man.

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Now, Claire is determined to break free from his grasp before she loses herself entirely to his schemes.

Kyle isn’t inherently evil, Claire knows that much, but his ambition makes him dangerous. He’s reckless, lacking the wisdom or experience to temper his hunger for power.

Kyle never sets out to hurt people—he simply doesn’t consider them at all. To him, everyone is just a piece on his chessboard, moved as he sees fit with little thought to the consequences.

Claire realizes now that he has always been this way, but back then, she had been too infatuated to notice the warning signs.

Her mother had warned her that falling for Kyle would only lead to heartbreak, but Claire had been too stubborn, too sure that her love could soften his rough edges. She had loved him blindly, but now, as the relationship unravels, Claire sees the truth.

Kyle’s ambition is insatiable—he wants power, prestige, and recognition, but he doesn’t have the patience or ethics to earn it the right way.

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He’s willing to betray anyone in his path—family, friends, even Claire herself—if it means climbing higher.

What Claire finds most heartbreaking is Kyle’s willingness to sacrifice their marriage for his selfish desires.


Charming as always, Kyle knew exactly what to say to make her feel special, but now she sees through the facade.

Kyle was never truly committed to her—he was committed to his relentless pursuit of power, and anyone who stood in his way, including Claire, was expendable.

And then there was Summer. Claire had known about Kyle and Summer’s history and wasn’t naive about their past. Kyle had assured her that it was over, but that was just another lie in a long list of deceptions.

The truth was, Kyle and Summer had never truly ended, and their connection had only deepened over time. Claire had seen the signs—the lingering touches, the shared glances, the whispered promises—but had convinced herself she was overreacting.

She wasn’t. Kyle and Summer had rekindled their relationship, sharing intimate moments behind Claire’s back.

The full extent of their betrayal hit Claire hard. Kyle had been sleeping with Summer, and worse, they were making plans for a future together.

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He had whispered promises of love to Summer, even talking about raising Harrison as a family, all while pretending to be devoted to Claire.

Kyle’s plan was twisted but typical of his character—he didn’t want to be with Claire anymore, but ending things cleanly wasn’t in his nature.

Kyle, ever calculating, knew that divorcing Claire wouldn’t be easy, especially with her family’s powerful connections.

The idea of facing Victor’s wrath or losing access to the resources he craved made Kyle hesitate. Instead of leaving honorably, he chose deception. He continued to play the part of the loving husband while maintaining his affair with Summer, stringing both women along as he plotted his next move.

But Claire wasn’t as naive as Kyle thought. She saw through his charade, and though it broke her heart, she knew she had to leave before he dragged her down with him.

Kyle didn’t want to keep her tied to him out of love—it was fear. Fear that losing Claire would mean losing his status and power.

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