The Bold And The Beautiful

Deacon and Sheila Make a Gruesome Discovery at Il Giardino

At Il Giardino, in the storage room, Hollis is puzzled by the letters in Tom’s backpack. Deacon calls out to him for help, so he leaves them.

Hollis letters BB

Hollis checks in with Deacon, and the power begins flickering again. They know the last time this happened, they were without power for hours, so they decided not to take any more customers.

At Deacon’s place, Sheila reads the news about Tom’s death on her tablet. She says, Poor Tom.”

Sheila shows up at Il Giardino and asks Hollis if there is a power problem again. Hollis explains Deacon is looking into it.

Sheila can sense he’s troubled, and Hollis tells her that he found something important. She asks what he found out.

He says it’s about Tom and how he died. Sheila tells him that he overdosed, but he wants to show her something and walks off.

Sheila gives order BB

Suddenly, the lights flicker again. Sheila goes behind the bar and begins cleaning up. The customers have now all left. Hollis returns with Tom’s backpack, and she asks why he has that.

He believes he discovered something in it, and Sheila asks if he’s looking for his drug stash. He says he isn’t, and he just wants to show her something.

Sheila says it’s wrong to go through his belongings, and that thing is filthy, so throw it in the trash. Sheila orders him to do it. The lights continue to flicker.

Later, Hollis is alone at the bar, continuing to clean. The lights go out fully, so he uses his phone as a flashlight. He hasn’t thrown out Tom’s backpack and goes through it.

Someone arrives, and he wonders what they are doing here. He’s glad to see them as he has to talk to someone about this.

Deacon Sheila dead Hollis BB

It’s a new day. Hope is in the office making coffee. She sees texts from Douglas saying he already misses her. Finn drops in, looking for Steffy.

He asks how she’s doing what with Thomas, Paris and Douglas gone. She doesn’t say anything. He thinks it’s for the best, as she’ll find the man she’s meant to be.

At Il Giardino, Sheila arrives and notices things are a bit messy. She sees table cloths everwhere  As she picks them up, she lets out a scream.

Deacon comes running, and they find Hollis passed out behind the bar. Deacon call 911, and Sheila looks for a pulse and says, “Hollis is dead.”

Next on The Bold and the Beautiful, Hollis died from the same drugs as Tom

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