The Bold And The Beautiful

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers: Luna Goes After Katie To Secure Bill, Another Body Falls?

Luna is on a wicked spree, reveal The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers. From mercilessly killing two men, to framing her own mother to snag her boo, to now holding Steffy captive, sweet Luna has indeed taken a dark turn and rather quickly, might we add.

One would think that so many crimes in such a short time span would satiate a young criminal like her.

But nope! That’s not the case at all. Our Dear Luna is only just starting. All of the above were just appetizers, the main course still remains.

In fact, we think we know who she is going to target for the main serve – Katie Logan. What has Luna got to do with Katie, you may ask? Well, only everything!

The Bold And The Beautiful Spoilers - Luna & Bill
B&B/ Luna won’t tolerate anyone getting close to Bill Spencer

Let’s be honest for a second here, Poppy Nozawa was never going to last as Bill Spencer’s lover. He has a habit of circling back to the only two women he genuinely has feelings for – the Logan sisters, Brooke and Katie. Among the two, Katie is of the highest relevance. She was the one who smelled a rat from the very beginning of Poppy and Luna’s integration into Bill’s life.

Also Read: Here’s what’s coming up next on B&B

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers tease that she won’t back off any time soon. Katie might soon realize that something is still off, and start digging again. Meanwhile, it is also possible that in his torn state of mind, Bill Spencer might start leaning on Katie for support again. If that happens, Luna won’t be able to stand it. She will have no choice but to strike again.

The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers - Katie - Bill
B&B/ Getting close to Bill again may cost Katie her life

Thus, it is safe to assume that Katie Logan’s life is in danger from Luna Nozawa. But will Luna succeed in taking Katie out, or will going after Katie become her undoing?

Stay tuned to Soap Opera Daily for more The Bold and The Beautiful Spoilers to find out. Meanwhile, what’s your take on Luna’s obsession with Bill? Tell us in the comments.

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