Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Just Teased the Explosive Return of Not One, Not Two, But *Three* Troublemakers

If it seems like there’s been a flurry of folks coming and going to Days of Our Lives lately, there’s a reason for that. The show’s been teasing a number of exits, like Konstantin (OK, he’s officially dead, so that’s not really a tease), John (he’s not going anywhere), Stefan (he was stopped at the last second by Jude’s DNA results) and Johnny and Chanel (the jury is still out with them).

But they’ve also introduced a new family with the Greenes, AnnaLynne McCord is making her first appearance as someone who seems to be Abigail (more on that here), Gabi’s return from prison seems all-but imminent and now we’re starting to wonder if we’re about to get a trio of troublemakers back on our screen… courtesy of Leo!

Now that the Writers’ Strike has ended, it seems the show has pivoted to sanding off some of Leo’s rougher edges. He’s attending therapy with Marlena and trying to get to the root of why he’s so darn… catty? Morally questionable? We’ll come up with the right word eventually, but the point is, he doesn’t even think he’s worth loving.

leo yells at diana days of our lives

There are, it seems, three people in his life who’ve made him feel that way. Two of them — Gwen and Dimitri — because he lost them and feels like it was deserved, and one of them — his mom, Diana Colville — because she spent his life flat out telling him he was unlovable. And all this talk about these three has got us wondering if that means they’ll soon be making their Salem returns.

After yesterday’s episode (you can read the recap here), Diana’s is just about a shoe-in. Our ears perked up the first time Marlena and Leo discussed how terrible a mom she was, but then, at the end of yesterday’s episode, Leo made a call to Statesville to set up a time to meet with Mommie Dearest.

That would be a confrontation we don’t want to miss on our screens. (Though Leo did mention that his last visit to his mom resulted in her asking for a cigarette, then berating her son for not smoking, so this trip could end up very uncomfortable to watch.)


But what about Gwen and Dimitri? Leo’s British bestie returning definitely feels imminent, especially after he ran into Theresa for the first time on Tuesday’s episode. In between trying to get all the gossip about Konstantin, Alex and the Kiriakis family drama, he noted how much she reminded him of a good friend of his — one with a “better accent” and darker hair.

It’s the first anyone has explicitly hinted any similarities between Theresa and Gwen (both of whom have been played by Emily O’Brien), and it’s got us wondering if there was a specific reason for the comparison — beyond just making Leo realize he’s alone in Salem.

Gwen punches Leo in his Salem Inn room.

We know Theresa’s time is coming to a close now that Konstantin’s dead and Xander’s mom (who will know exactly what Theresa did in making Alex Victor’s heir instead of Xander) is getting closer and closer to Salem. And once she’s gone, there’s no reason why Gwen can’t return, is there? It could be a reverse of how O’Brien’s Theresa arrived. The blonde goes out one exit in the airport, and Gwen comes in the other. Plus, if Abigail’s coming back, this could be the perfect opportunity for the sisters to finally make peace and start over for real. (Especially if Abigail can’t remember why she hates Gwen in the first place.)

As for Dimitri, that letter of his breaking up with Leo came out of absolutely nowhere. And as Leo said to Marlena, Dimitri is the love of his life. So what if he, too, is returning, having scored himself a get out of prison card?

It would cause no end of drama if Gwen returned to town, having talked the Von Leuschners into giving her the family money, rather than her cad of a husband, at the same time as Dimitri! They could both come back to town looking to reconcile with Leo, not realizing the other was returning. Cut to Gwen and Dimitri trying to tear each other’s eyes out while Leo tries making peace between them.

Sitting between Dimitri and Leo on a hotel couch, Gwen gives her husband a what-the-eff look. Leo's hands cover his face.

Characters who aren’t tied to anyone else on canvas have a tough time sticking around. But it seems like Days of Our Lives is intent on not just keeping Leo around, but making him less of a cad and, if not a better person, at least not a horrible one. But he still needs folks tying him to the canvas, and since Dimitri, Gwen and even Diana  (what with her obsession with John) all have history with the show — history that Leo (and the rest of Salem) could use.

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