Days of Our Lives

Alex Proposes to Theresa — and Harris Leaves Salem in Search of [Spoiler]

Today on Days of Our Lives, Theresa finally gets everything she wants (or does she?), Alex and Maggie make peace, EJ makes a confession to Nicole, and Harris says a tearful goodbye to Ava.

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Nicole and EJ eat ice cream in the DiMera mansion. Nicole is disappointed Holly hasn’t posted any pictures from Prom yet, but hopes she’s having the time of her life. As they move on to talking about Jude, EJ tenses. There’s something he hasn’t told her. It’s about Eric.

EJ feeds Nicole ice cream in the DiMera mansion

As Eric and Marlena finish dinner at the townhouse, she notes he successfully avoided talking about Nicole and Jude. She then tells her son that John still feels responsible for the death of Konstantin’s daughter. He’s hoping a visit to her grave will relieve the guilt.

Brady and Theresa burst in on Tate and Holly making out in a Salem Inn room. Theresa knew she’d find them there about to have sex. Horrified, Tate insists they just came to be alone since his parents were trying to keep them apart at the Prom. Theresa rails at Tate for lying to them, and then takes Holly home.

Brady and Theresa angrily face Tate and Holly in a decorated Salem Inn room. They all wear formal wear

Holding a ring box at the Kiriakis mansion, Alex talks to Victor’s portrait. He knows Victor would disapprove of his being with Theresa. But hopefully, Victor would be happy knowing he’s happy. Maggie enters. Alex gently asks how she’s doing, assuring her he doesn’t blame her for Konstantin. He just wished she trusted him when she put her plan in place. She points out it’s been a long time since they’ve been on the same side. He thinks it’s time they changed that.

In their room above the Pub, Harris tells Ava he’s leaving Salem. She wasn’t counting on a future with him after everything she’s done, but he doesn’t have to leave town. He assures her it’s not because of her… but Hope. She got a lead on Megan and asked him to follow up since she can’t leave Bo’s side. He doesn’t know how long it will take to find her, but he can’t ask Ava to wait for him. Ava asks if he’d want her to wait. He doesn’t condone her choices, but he does understand them. She means a lot to him, but he can’t commit to working on getting past his trust issues. She tearfully says she understands.

Eric and Marlena watch from the couch as Brady argues with Tate. A plate with cake on it balances on Marlena's lap.

At the DiMera mansion, EJ tells Nicole that he saw her kiss Eric when she got drunk after fighting with Holly. He’s telling her now because he doesn’t want there to be anything between them. He loves her so much, but there’s a part of him that is always afraid he’ll lose her. Nicole assures EJ she loves only him. They have their son as a product of their love, and that family connection is all that matters to her. He gently kisses her until Theresa stomps in with Holly.

Brady brings a surly Tate home as Eric and Marlena enjoy Sweet Bits cake. Tate rants about what just happened and looks to his grandma for backup. Marlena thinks his parents did what they thought was best. Tate asks his uncle to chime in, but Eric will only allow it’s a tough situation and keeps eating his cake. Tate wants help with Theresa, but Marlena reminds him she is his mother. If he and Holly want to be accepted as a couple, they’ll have to prove they can be trusted.

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Maggie tenderly reaches out for Alex's face

At the Kiriakis mansion, Alex tells Maggie they are family, and Victor wouldn’t want them at each other’s throats. He admits her words about living up to Victor’s legacy and making him proud stuck with him. “For Victor’s sake, can we please bury this hatchet?” Maggie responds, “I think we already have.” Later, Maggie asks about Theresa, noting her efforts to be a better person seem to be paying off. Alex thinks so, too.

Above the Pub, Harris explains he’s taking an indefinite leave from the force. He doesn’t know when he’ll be back. Ava fights tears, not knowing how to say goodbye. He doesn’t know how to do that either. They kiss. Later, under the sheets in bed, Harris and Ava lovingly look into each other’s eyes. She continues to tear up as Harris kisses her.

At the DiMera mansion, Theresa tells Nicole and EJ that Holly and Tate were hooking up at the Salem Inn. She spits accusations at Holly, Nicole and the whole DiMera family, leading to a screaming match with Nicole. Jude starts to cry, and EJ throws Theresa out. When EJ returns, Holly explains what’s been going on with Tate. She thinks Nicole should understand what it’s like to have feelings for someone that everyone says is bad for you. Nicole looks at EJ, who gives her a she-has-a-point look.

A riled-up Theresa comes to the Kiriakis mansion, looking for Alex to cheer her up. Alex has just the thing and pulls out the ring box. The last week they’ve had has made him realize how much she means to him. He wants her to know how he feels about her — and them. He gets on one knee and asks her to do him the honor of being Mrs. Alex Kiriakis. She gasps at the diamond and says, “Yes, I will marry you.” Alex picks her up in an embrace. Theresa’s wide grin falters.

After getting dressed, Harris says it’s best if he leaves right now. Ava thanks him for everything and pulls him into another passionate kiss. She cries as they tightly hug. Fighting his own emotions, Harris wipes Ava’s tear before leaving.

From the townhouse, Tate texts Holly that he misses her. He’s sorry about everything. She responds that despite everything, he gave her the perfect prom. Beaming, he texts they’ll always have tonight. Holly holds her phone tight, smiling.

Alone in the DiMera living room, Nicole apologizes for not telling EJ about Eric. They promise no more secrets. They both pensively stare off as they hug.

A somber Eric sits on the bench outside the Pub. He grows more emotional as a woman pushes a baby stroller past him.

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