General Hospital

GH Spoilers: A Mystery Witness To Cates’ Murder Could Catch Sonny In A Bind

General Hospital spoilers tease everyone keeps asking if anyone witnesses the murder of FBI Agent John ‘Jagger’ Cates (Adam Harrington) on the boathouse deck of the Q mansion.

Surprisingly, no one has come forward saying so thus far, but that doesn’t necessarily mean no one saw what went down now does it?

General Hospital Spoilers: A Mystery Witness To Cates' Murder Could Catch Sonny In A Bind

Could someone be waiting in the wings to come forward at just the right time — after Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) have both lied to the police — to share what they saw?

If so, we can just about guess who it might be that had a front-row seat to Sonny killing Cates, but will they tattle — or will they leverage what they know to get what they want?


General Hospital Spoilers — Tracy Seems Rather Confident

Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliott) just can’t keep her trap shut about how certain she is that Sonny killed Cates. She seemed offended that it happened on sacred Quartermaine grounds. But is there more to the story?

Tracy seems to be that lady of the manor who is always watching. Did she see the murder play out? Is she waiting for the right time to nail Sonny — and her longtime frenemy Carly — to the wall?

GH Spoilers Claim Cody Could Still Be a Con Artist at Heart

We’ve come to love the reformed version of Cody Bell (Josh Kelly). He genuinely seems to want to love Sasha Gilmore Corbin (Sofia Mattsson), and he doesn’t seem to want to do anything that might jeopardize how his dad, Mac Scorpio (John J. York), sees him.

That being said, has Cody truly shed his con artist roots, or would the right opportunity creep in and convince him that a new mark could change his life?

General Hospital Recap: Mac Turns His Back on Cody

Normally, this dude is a bit timid and not inclined to mess with the mob, but if he thinks he can make an easy score by being paid to stay silent, he just might take it.

General Hospital Spoilers — Ned is one Shrewd Businessman

Ned Quartermaine (Wally Kurth) just got his life back after months of raking Carly over the coals for a crime she actually committed.

After the karmic price he ended up paying on the heels of that fiasco, he may not be eager to rat Carly and Sonny out to the police. Besides, he likely agrees with all parties involved that Cates was a menace.

Quartermaines are known to cherry-pick when their morals apply and Ned is no exception to that bloodline rule.

Still, if he caught a glimpse of a drenched Sonny tip-toeing inside from the gatehouse before sneaking up to Tracy’s room to change clothes and change his story, he could certainly use that information to his gain in some way.

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