General Hospital

General Hospital recap: Big decisions for Carly and tough love from Tracy at the hospital

he General Hospital episode of June 24, 2024, focused mainly on the characters of Tracy, Finn, Carly, Kristina, and Ava. Tracy showed Finn some tough love and put him in his place, while Kristina and Ava had disagreements. Additionally, Carly vowed to get back at John.

These developments came after the previous episode’s storyline where Joss and Sonny shared a moment of understanding, and Gregory went to war with Tracy over his sons.

While Drew is given seven days before heading to Pentonville, Ned flees the hospital. The story progresses from here and focuses on the perspectives of other characters in the current episode.

Carly in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)
Carly in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)

The episode begins with Carly and John drinking champagne and toasting the fact that they took down the bad people.

John tells Carly that he is thankful she saved his life on the docks and that he enjoys her company. He leaves after this and the audience sees Carly go through a mood switch.

She starts thinking about Sonny and when he tells her Jason is working with the feds. Spinelli comes over to visit and Carly rants about John, Jason, and the whole hostage situation, and that he had the nerve to show up with champagne after everything. Spinelli tries to calm her down and reminds her of her children and Jason’s sacrifices for her.

Finally, Carly agrees to not turn herself in at Spinelli’s insistence. However, she is determined not to be used by the feds either and decides to formulate a plan.

What ultimatum does Tracy lay down for Finn?

Finn in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)
Finn in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)

Tracy confronts Finn and shows him a picture of him passed out after drinking. She blames him for causing a situation where his daughter saw him in that state and thought something had happened to him.

Finn apologizes to Tracy and says he realizes that he should go and see Violet immediately. However, Tracy refuses, and says that Finn cannot be trusted to take care of his daughter unless he takes care of himself first.

Tracy tells him she has made a reservation for him at a rehabilitation facility with a 90-day minimum stay policy.

When Finn fights to see his daughter, Tracy puts an ultimatum before him: a full commitment to sobriety or Violet would go to Chase and Brook Lyn in custody. She angrily asserts that the decision is for Violet’s future, and only hers, before storming out. Finn looks at a photo of him and Violet sadly.

Kristina explodes at Ava over dinner

Kristina in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)
Kristina in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)

Kristina, Natalia, and Blaze meet up with Sonny, who decides to cook them some dinner. They sit at the table and reminisce over Blaze’s childhood, enjoying Sonny’s cooking.

Suddenly, they are interrupted by Ava, who is checking in to see if Sonny has had dinner. Ava looks a little awkward in the family setting but then announces that she should sit with them.

Kristina immediately refuses, saying that she wouldn’t share a table with someone who betrayed her mother. She tells Sonny that Ava accused Alexis of perjury, and ended up having her law license revoked.

Kristina apologizes for ruining their dinner with an outburst, but Sonny and Natalia assuage her.

Natalia even says Kristina did nothing wrong by defending her mother and calls her commendable. Sonny says Alexis would be proud, as they move on to dessert. However, Kristina still looks on edge.

TJ and Molly spend some quality time together

TJ in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)
TJ in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)

Molly comes home from the office to find TJ waiting for her. After some initial awkwardness, TJ apologizes to Molly for being paranoid and reminds her that they both decided to have Kristina as their surrogate as a couple. He promises to give her space to confide in him or react as she wishes.

In tears, Molly hugs TJ and they discuss Kristina and their future baby, pledging to be fully committed and supportive. They both apologize for their roles in the fight and decide to spend some time together, given that they won’t be by themselves soon.

Brook Lynn worries about Finn and Violet

Brook Lynn in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)
Brook Lynn in a still from General Hospital (Image via @generalhospitalabc/ Instagram)

Brook Lynn and Chase take Violet to the Quartermaine mansion to spend the night with Lois. The grownups discuss how much Violet has been through, and how they could all band together to support her.

As Violet joins them, Chase tells her how brave she is for calling for help, caring for her father Finn, and doing all the right things.

Tracy and Diane also arrive at the spot and discuss how it might be necessary to get an emergency custody order and a restraining order to ensure that Finn doesn’t overstep.

Tracy admits that she spoke to Finn, but is unsure whether he would try to come and take Violet away. She hopes he realizes that they all care for him and want to see him do better.

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