General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL NEWS: Maxie Gives Cody Advice After Mac’s Reaction to His News

Outside the stables, as the fireworks go off, Cody blurts out to Mac, “I’m your son.” Mac spins around and asks what he said. Cody tells Mac that he’s his father.

Cody tells the truth GH

Mac asks how he knows. Cody admits he lied about the DNA test, and it was for a stupid reason. Mac asks him to tell him anyway. Cody tells him that he had a claim to the Ice Princess, and he had to swear an affidavit claiming to be Leopold Taub’s son.

Mac can’t believe he kept this secret out of greed and that he’s known for over a year. Mac rants that he’s reached out to him, he opened his family and his heart to him, and at every turn, Cody slammed the door in his face.


Cody says he wanted to be his son, and a part of his family. He wanted to tell him earlier, but he just didn’t know how, and he isn’t proud of it.

Mac hates that he couldn’t be honest with him, and the worst part is he lied to Felicia, Maxie, Georgie, James and Bailey Lou. He yells that Cody doesn’t give a damn about any of them.

Cody says that’s not true, and if it helps that this is killing him. Mac says it doesn’t, he doesn’t trust him, and his claiming to be sorry could be just another lie.

MAc upset GH

Mac storms off, and later, Maxie finds Cody sulking in the stables. She is looking for James’ riding gloves, as he may have left him here. Cody stops her rambling and says he shouldn’t keep teaching James.

She asks why, and these lessons are her only leverage to get him to clean his room and behave. Cody explains Mac is furious with him, that he’s been lying, and everyone was right, that he is Mac’s son.

Maxie is shocked, but says she can see it. Cody says he told Mac the truth tonight, and to say he’s not happy would be a massive understatement. Maxie asks why he lied as Mac is such a great guy?

Maxie doesn't understand GH

Cody says that, at first, he thought he wanted money over family, but by the time he realized he was wrong, the lie had gone on for so long. He says he feared Mac would hate him, and now he does.

Maxie says he will get over it, and he’s just angry. Cody says he has appreciated getting to know her family. Maxie says, “Hello, we are siblings.” Cody says they aren’t related, but Maxie says Mac is basically her father, so that makes them siblings and also makes him her kids’ uncle.

She thinks James will be thrilled about this news. Cody suggests she hold off on telling James until she talks to Mac. Maxie says if he thinks he can get rid of them that easily, think again.

Maxie knows he’s thinking of packing up and leaving. She tells him to trust he as she has made mistakes, and it can’t get any worse, so he needs to stay. She tells him to remind her someday to tell him about how she faked being pregnant to land a guy.

Cody has been lying GH

Maxie asks Cody not to leave for Mac, Sasha, and for himself. She makes him promise not to leave and even say the words. Maxie says he won’t regret it. Cody finds James’ gloves and gives them to her before she leaves.

Cody and MAxie talk GH

Back in the mansion, Felicia finds Mac stewing. Mac says Cody is his son. Felecia says he’s not and admits to doing her own DNA test. Mac says he must have found out and doctored it.

Mac rants that Cody has known all along and gave him a convoluted excuse about why he lied. She asks how he feels. Mac says he has a son who lied, and he is furious. Mac calls him a grifter with an agenda, and clearly, Cody only told him now for a reason, like he needs an organ.

Felicia doesn’t believe that is so. Mac asks what other reason there could be. Mac is sure he’s got an angle. Felicia says this is Cody’s loss. Mac says he would have welcomed him into the family, he would have found a way to love him. He wonders why he’s talking about this now, as it’s too late for that.

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