The Bold And The Beautiful

Bold & Beautiful’s Most Wanted: Narrowing Suspect List Revealed After Tom and Hollis’ Deaths

Bold & Beautiful’s Deacon has big, big problems! Not only have two of his friends and colleagues perished suddenly in his restaurant in the past week or two, but his wife is about to be hauled in for questioning. Thankfully for the ex-con, none of us believe Sheila is guilty this time. So, who is the real murderer? Join us as we take a look at the narrowing suspect list and reveal what would be a killer twist!

While Tom could have had any number of enemies that Bold & Beautiful viewers didn’t know about, the sudden death of Hollis puts a finer point on things. Looking at who would have reason to eliminate not only Starr at his comeback show, but also the bartender who found his backpack after the fact, certainly narrows the focus.

Unless Deacon owes someone big money and they’re picking off his employees one-by-one as a means of intimidation, it seems obvious that the murders are tied to whatever Tom “knew” and the evidence of it, which presumably Hollis found in the backpack he always kept so closely guarded. It’s safe to assume that it somehow figures into Luna’s paternity, given that Tom was absolutely certain that he was her biological father and alluded to letters he had sent to Poppy that were returned. If Hollis found these letters, whoever ended Tom to keep the secret must also have been forced to silence Hollis forever.


Poppy seems an obvious choice. She had the motive and was on the scene the night that someone messed with Tom’s drink. She had also left Bill’s house the night that Hollis died.

Would she have access to drugs to slip into their drinks? Two words: Special Mints. That said, Poppy seems almost too obvious, and we know that is a tell. Plus, she seemed genuinely shocked and sad to hear of Tom’s death. Jack described her as a “gentle soul” and she just isn’t that… cold. Unlike her sister…


Li is being written as unfeeling enough to have done the deeds, and she would have had access to the drugs. Since she and Finn seem to be the only two doctors at the hospital, she also seems to have control of the autopsy reports, which would be handy if you were the killer. That said, it gets a little complex where motive is concerned. There’s no obvious reason for her to want either Tom or Hollis dead.

Hollis Li B&B

Some have suggested that Jack may be Luna’s real father, but Tom coming forward as the dad kinda threw a monkey wrench into that theory. That said, if Tom believed he was the father and was about to cause a stink over it, which Li knew would lead to the truth about Jack and Poppy being exposed, she might have decided to nip that in the bud. Hollis learning the truth made him collateral damage.

But there’s another theory involving Li. Aside from Steffy, no one was more upset or traumatized by Sheila’s latest return. She could have killed Deacon’s staff to frame Sheila and send her back to prison.

Sheila Li jail B&B

The trouble with this angle is that we’d have to believe Li took two lives on the off chance Sheila wouldn’t be able to come up with an alibi and exonerate herself.


In a visit to Finn’s office, Jack told his son how much he admired Poppy and added, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her.” While that sounds pretty hint-y, it’s probably a red herring. That said, he also had a connection to Hollis, as he mentioned drinking with the bartender before Tom’s show that night at Il Giardino.


Therefore, if he was the one who showed up unexpectedly in the dark, Hollis would have known him. Jack could be in cahoots with Poppy, or working on her behalf, to keep the truth of Luna’s paternity a secret, but if he’s guilty he’s a sociopath because he’s incredibly chill about the whole thing.

Bill or Justin

Bill could have figured out that Tom was Luna’s father and decided to off the guy (and Hollis after he found out), but he’d be more likely to turn nasty and kick Poppy out of the house than to go to those lengths.

Bill Poppy B&B

Justin could have done the research, discovered the truth about Luna’s paternity, and decided to take care of Bill’s “problem” as a means of mending fences with his former boss and friend, but again, Barber’s presence at Tom’s show could have just been a one-off so as to round out the suspect list.

The Shocking Twist

What if Luna, suspicious of her mother’s interaction with the guy who delivered the pizza to Bill’s house, looked up the name Tom Starr, and figured out that he was really her father. It’s hard to believe the soft-spoken fashionista would kill someone, but never say never. She bonded with Bill, who is about to adopt her, and may have wanted to keep that new life at all costs.

“But,” you’re probably thinking, “Luna was friends with Hollis and was broken-hearted over his death.” This could have been an act and/or guilt over having to end his life because he stumbled on the truth.

One of the biggest reasons we think Luna may turn out to be the surprise killer? Hollis recognized the person who showed up at Il Giardino that night after the power went out and greeted them as he would have a friend, eager to discuss with them what he’d found in Tom’s backpack.

Poppy Luna B&B

If there’s one thing Bold & Beautiful has been making clear in recent days, it’s that Luna and Hollis had become friends. Hmm.

Who do you think killed Tom and Hollis? Let us know in the comments after taking a look back at the suspect list from Tom’s death to see how things have changed.

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