The Young and the Restless

Y&R spoilers: Nate takes Tucker to fired Kyle at Glissade – Victor was tricked by Audra

Kyle Abbott leaned back in the leather chair of his office at Jabot, basking in the glow of his recent success.

Becoming CEO of the company had felt like a dream come true—a victory hard-won after aligning with Victor Newman to triumph over his own father, Jack Abbott.

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Kyle believed this was his moment, the culmination of his talent and ambition.

For the first time in his life, he no longer felt overshadowed by anyone. He was his own man, leading a prestigious company and making decisions that mattered.

But as Kyle was about to learn, success can be fleeting.

It seemed like an ordinary day. Kyle spent the morning reviewing reports, meeting with key executives, and enjoying the sense of control that came with sitting at the helm of Jabot.

The company was thriving under his leadership, and Kyle had every reason to believe his position was secure. After all, hadn’t he helped Victor defeat Jack?

Wasn’t his loyalty enough to guarantee his place? That illusion shattered the moment a knock came at the door.

Frowning, Kyle looked up from his desk. It wasn’t time for his next meeting, and the persistent knocking felt out of place in the usually calm atmosphere.

Rising from his chair, he crossed the room and opened the door, expecting to see an assistant or department head. Instead, the sight before him made his stomach drop.

Standing there was Nate Hastings, a smirk plastered across his face, and next to him, a figure that sent a chill down Kyle’s spine—Tucker McCall.

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Kyle hadn’t spoken to Tucker in months, and his sudden appearance at Jabot made no sense.

Tucker wasn’t supposed to be involved with the company—or at least, that’s what Kyle thought. Before he could say a word, Tucker thrust a document into his hands, his expression cold and unreadable.

“What’s this?” Kyle asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he unfolded the paper.

“Your termination,” Tucker replied calmly, his voice devoid of emotion. “As of today, you’re no longer the CEO of Jabot.”

Kyle’s eyes scanned the document, his heart pounding as the words blurred together: “Termination effective immediately. No further involvement with Jabot.”

It felt like a punch to the gut. How could this be? He had worked hard, played the game, and aligned himself with Victor to outmaneuver Jack. This wasn’t how things were supposed to end.

His gaze flicked from the paper to Tucker and then to Nate, who was practically glowing with satisfaction.

“This must be a mistake,” Kyle stammered, his voice faltering. “Victor… he’ll sort this out.”

Nate chuckled, stepping forward with a mocking grin. “Victor doesn’t control Jabot, Kyle. He only owns a small fraction of the company.

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Tucker here is the real power behind it all. He’s been the silent investor all along, and now he’s taking control. So no, Victor can’t help you.”

The floor fell out from under Kyle. Tucker—a silent investor? It all clicked into place. Tucker had been the one pulling the strings, and now, he was making his move, leaving Kyle in the dust.

In desperation, Kyle dialed Victor’s number. The phone rang several times before the familiar deep voice answered.

“Victor, it’s Kyle,” he said, struggling to keep the panic out of his voice. “I’ve just been handed a termination notice. Tucker’s here. He says he’s the real power behind Jabot, and I’m out as CEO.”

There was a long pause on the other end. Kyle could almost hear Victor’s mind working through the situation, calculating, strategizing. But when Victor spoke, his words offered no comfort.

“Kyle,” Victor began, his tone measured, “I don’t control enough of Jabot to fight this. I wasn’t aware Tucker was behind it, but if he’s the majority stakeholder, there’s nothing I can do right now. I’ll look into it, but for the time being, you’re on your own.”

Kyle’s heart sank. If Victor Newman—the man who always had a plan—couldn’t help him, then there truly was no way out.

“Good luck, Kyle,” Victor added before disconnecting the call.

The phone slipped from Kyle’s hand, hitting the floor with a soft thud. For a moment, he stood there numb, staring blankly at the termination notice in his hand.

Young & Restless Recap: Nikki Forces Audra to Fire Kyle

His reign as CEO was over—just like that. Tucker, with his far-reaching influence, had swept in and taken everything.

Nate’s voice broke the silence, laced with amusement. “Looks like your little victory was short-lived, huh? Thought you’d be sitting pretty at Jabot forever, didn’t you?”

Kyle’s jaw tightened, rage bubbling up beneath the surface, but there was nothing he could do. Nate and Tucker had the upper hand, and they knew it.

Tucker, who had remained mostly silent, finally spoke again, his voice calm but sharp. “This isn’t personal, Kyle. It’s business. Jabot needs a different direction, and frankly, you’re not the man to lead it. I’ve made my decision.”

Kyle clenched his fists but forced himself to maintain his composure. Losing his temper wouldn’t help. No, he needed to regroup and figure out his next move.

But as Tucker and Nate left, the reality of his situation hit him with full force: he was out, defeated, and alone.

The silence was deafening as Kyle sank into the chair behind his desk. Tucker McCall was now in control, and with Nate by his side, they had taken Jabot from him in one swift move. What was Tucker’s next step? Who would he install as CEO?

Kyle’s phone buzzed with a message from an old colleague already hearing the news of his dismissal: “What’s next for you?”

Kyle stared at the screen, the question hanging in the air. What was next for him?

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