The Young and the Restless

Y&R Spoilers Big Shock: Victor secretly tests Cole’s DNA – he is not Claire’s biological father

Though Y&R viewers anticipate a stunning couple to get back together soon, you might be shocked by the latest information.

The couple we are discussing, Victoria and Cole, are rediscovering their relationship in the show, and their love for their daughter has brought them closer than they were previously.

However, recent spoilers tease that Victoria may reveal a big secret in front of Cole that can shatter his world.

The show is ready to throw one more curveball at the viewers so be with us till the end to get the full information about next week’s events. Cole is already facing Victor’s rage for interfering in his matter and is now supposed to face a life-altering truth.

The revelation will not only shatter Cole but will send shockwaves in the whole Newman family.

Victoria is also feeling the reformation of a bond between her and Cole and that all began with their worry towards their daughter Claire. So she may realize that the relationship cannot move forward on the foundation of delusion.

DNA test reports prove that Cole is not Claire’s father

Victoria knows about a deeper truth that Cole is unaware of so next week she is ready to confront it in front of him.

The revelation that Claire is not his daughter and belongs to another man will break all hopes of their reunion. Cole, filled with the idea of having a united and happy family with Victoria and Claire, gets deeply shattered and refuses to believe that it is true.

DNA truth destroys Cole's fatherhood dream.
DNA truth destroys Cole’s fatherhood dream.

The Young and the Restless spoilers show that Cole may not be able to comprehend what he just heard and claims that it is not possible.

He believes Victoria so much and she cannot keep such a big truth hidden for so many years. He decides to do a DNA test to verify if Victoria is correct, she also supports his decision and the result comes out to be shocking.

The result of the DNA test reveals that Cole is not Claire’s biological father. Both Cole and Claire get extremely shattered after knowing that their father-daughter bond is not genetic.

The further plot is not revealed by the spoilers but it will be very disheartening for the fans if Cole’s happy family dream gets broken. She kept this secret for years but not anymore, next week is filled with a hard time for Cole, Claire Victoria, and the whole Newman family.

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