The Young and the Restless

Breaking News YR Spoilers Michael and Cole give Victor a stroke and then flee – without calling 911

The Young and the Restless spoilers: The tension in Genoa City had reached a boiling point. Victor Newman’s relentless interference in the lives of Michael and Cole had driven them to the brink.

For Michael, the cost had been his career; Victor’s influence had seen to it that Michael was unceremoniously fired, forcing him into a new uncertain existence. Cole, on the other hand, was driven by love. His relationship with Victoria was a beacon of hope and the foundation for a future he desperately wanted to build, yet Victor’s unwelcome meddling threatened to destroy it all.

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The two men found common ground in their frustration and anger. Michael, usually the more level-headed of the two, had managed to adjust to his new reality, accepting that his path had changed. Cole, however, burned with a fierce determination. He was resolved to marry Victoria and start a family, something he believed Victor had no right to obstruct.

Their latest meeting was charged with a mix of righteous indignation and simmering rage. They convened in Michael’s modest new apartment, a stark contrast to the opulent settings they were both accustomed to. Over glasses of whiskey, their conversation quickly turned to Victor and the need to put an end to his manipulations.

“Victor needs to understand that he can’t control everything and everyone,” Cole said, his voice hard with conviction. “He’s ruining lives, Michael. He’s ruining my life.”

Michael nodded, his eyes reflecting a shared pain. “I know, Cole, but there are ways to handle this without sinking to his level.”

Cole slammed his fist on the table. “Victor has to pay for what he’s done. He needs to be stopped once and for all.”

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Michael frowned, sensing the dangerous edge in Cole’s tone. “What are you suggesting?”

“He has to die, Michael. It’s the only way. He’s a cancer, and we need to cut him out before he destroys more lives.”

Michael recoiled at the idea. Despite everything, he couldn’t fathom committing murder. “Cole, that’s insane. Victor’s done terrible things, but killing him—that’s not the answer.”

“It’s the only answer,” Cole insisted, his eyes burning with a fierce resolve.

Their argument was cut short by an unexpected opportunity: Victor was at his office alone. It was the perfect moment for a confrontation. Without another word, they left Michael’s apartment, their minds set on forcing Victor to face the consequences of his actions.

As they arrived at Newman Enterprises, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. They stormed into Victor’s office, finding him alone and caught off guard. The look of surprise on Victor’s face quickly turned to one of smug defiance.

“What are you two doing here?” Victor demanded, his voice dripping with disdain.

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“We’re here to make you understand the damage you’ve caused,” Cole spat, stepping closer to Victor’s desk.

Michael stayed back, his mind racing with doubts. He didn’t want things to escalate, but Cole was beyond reasoning. The confrontation quickly grew heated, with accusations and threats flying across the room. Victor, ever the master manipulator, responded with his usual arrogance, belittling their grievances and dismissing their threats.

The confrontation reached its peak when Victor suddenly clutched his chest, his face contorted in pain. He collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath. Michael’s instincts kicked in, and he moved to call 911, but Cole grabbed his arm, stopping him.

“Let him die, Michael. This is our chance. No one will ever know,” Cole urged, his voice cold and unfeeling.

Michael hesitated, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him. He looked at Victor writhing in agony, and then at Cole, whose eyes were filled with a terrifying determination. Torn between his respect for human life and his anger towards Victor, Michael found himself at a crossroads. But the decision was made for him; Cole dragged Michael away from Victor, out of the office and into the hallway.

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“We walk away. We’re innocent. No one will suspect a thing,” Cole insisted.

Michael’s mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as they left the building. The reality of what they had done—or failed to do—settled in. They had left a man to die, and no matter how justified their anger, it felt wrong. Hours passed like years as Michael wrestled with his conscience. He couldn’t shake the image of Victor lying helpless on the floor.

Eventually, his guilt became too much to bear. Without telling Cole, he returned to Newman Enterprises. When Michael arrived, he found Victor’s office dark and empty. Panic surged through him. Had Victor died? Was he too late? He searched frantically and then saw the paramedics wheeling Victor out on a stretcher. A cleaning staff member had found Victor and called for help.

Michael’s relief was palpable, but so was his dread. Victor was alive but barely. The paramedics informed Michael that Victor had suffered a severe heart attack and was in critical condition.

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